Getting ready for Easter

March 22, 2008

I did some serious cleaning today.  Like the wash the walls and the floor and everything in between cleaning.  I still have more to do tomorrow but a good portion of it has been completed.

I also visited Petitti Garden Center to pick up some of these plants for all the moms that come over tomorrow. They smell amazing!


We also stuffed all the eggs for the Easter Egg hunt we will have here tomorrow afternoon - indoors of course.

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Once we got through all that we decided to start coloring eggs.  By this time it was 9pm.  So I dug out the Dudley egg dye.  Should have known it wasn't the usual Paas that we always get.  I open it up and there are only 3 colors!  Three colors for 3 kids to color eggs.  That's just not going to work!

So I sent Chelsea and Ben up to the store to get eggs.  The first two stores they went to were already closed.  Then they finally found some egg dye and headed back home.

I don't think your ever to old to color eggs.

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22Then we did our annual picture of the

kids with their baskets the night before. 

This year instead of carrying carrots and

their baskets they decided to get silly.


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