Getting ready

October 21, 2008


We had a beautiful weekend here and I thought I would get out to the park for some fall pictures.  However, the park I went to seemed to have already lost a lot of the fall color I was looking for?  I'd like to check out some other parks in the area and I'm hoping they will wait until I have a chance to get out again.

I started getting ready for our trip to Chicago this weekend and to say I'm excited is an understatement!  Today I have to take the car in for an oil change and other service.  Our plan is to trade the car in when we get back from Chicago, so we'll see how that goes.

This past weekend I spent getting projects together for this months Work in Progress gallery.  The other day while driving with Zach the song "The Story" by Brandy Carslile came on the radio.  I love the lyrics of this song and decided right then that I was going to make a mini book about it.  Sometimes when you have an idea like that the project goes together quickly, as did mine.

I'm also getting ready to mail out wedding favors I made for my girlfriend Barbara in Florida.  Barbara and I met when her daughter Lindsay and Chelsea took dance lessons together when they were about 6 or 7 years old.  We both had the love of crafts and used to get together at her house and make projects for the kids.  She made the ghost and Frankenstein that are out in my yard every Halloween and some of my Christmas decorations too!   IMG_5195aIMG_5199aThen she went and moved to Florida...

She sent me a family picture and I made the sour cream packs and filled them with kisses, 5 to represent each of the family members.  So there's one more thing off my list!

Going to meet Chelsea for lunch today and then head back to work to finish up my invoicing.


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