Getting back on track

June 6, 2011


I spent the last few weeks doing a lot of over indulging and I'm paying for it now! With Chelsea heading off to Wisconsin we visited some of our favorite spots before she left. As well as Memorial weekend away with family where we did indulge in some more eating and drinking.

But I'm not going to beat myself up for it, in fact it has sparked me to get serious with my training for the Chicago marathon. I wrote down Hal Higdon's schedule for training and got running.

I think sometimes we need to fall down and get back up to learn and grow as we are going through this journey. Whether its with the every day stuff or the food stuff the best thing to do is get up and start again.

This weekend we took Chelsea to Wisconsin where she will be working at a weight loss camp for kids. It's an awesome experience for her and more teaching and training in the field she loves. She applied to several camps and had her choice in this adventure and while we are going to miss her, we are so proud.... more on her adventure another post. 


As she goes through her training she is sharing tips and ideas with me and we have decided to challenge one another during this time we are apart, to help us prepare for Chicago in the fall.

And so yesterday I took a 5 mile run by myself in the park and it was wonderful! Hot, but wonderful. It gave me time to think and prioritize my goals, it felt good to be outdoors running and my new Nike running clothes I picked up in Chicago sure didn't hurt things! More about these later...

The only bad about that 5 mile run, well besides for the sweat flies dive bombing me, I didn't take my water. I usually run indoors and have the water near by and yet  I didn't feel like carrying it outdoors today... not a good idea since it was hot and sticky and I was far from my car. Going to look into other alternatives for my outdoor running because yes, I am going again...


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