Finding time

July 1, 2011

Fitness Friday Blog Hop

If you've read my blog before you know that I'm currently following the Hal Higdon marathon training plan.

But sometimes that plan does not fit in with life.  Right now I"m trying to balance trips and family visits and school and work and a home life and fit in my much needed running to stay up on my marathon scheduled training.


So I've found I've had to sometimes re arrange the schedule so that it fits with my schedule.

Hal training schedule is: 

Monday - Cross train, Tuesday - 3 miles, Wednesday - 6 miles, Thursday - 3 miles, Friday - rest, Saturday - 6 miles, Sunday - 11 miles

But for me that wasn't going to work this week.  I have family in from out of town and school work I'm trying to keep current with, a garage sale and I signed up for a July 4th 10K

So I changed up the schedule this week to the following:

Monday - Cross train, Tuesday - 3 miles, Wednesday - 6 miles, Thursday - Rest, Friday - 6 miles, Saturday - 11 miles and Sunday -Rest, -July 4th -Monday 10K

Here's hoping it all comes together?  But I think we need to be flexible with a training or work out schedule to be able to balance everything in our lives.

You can follow the fitness friday blog hop here at Jill's blog



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