Finding a word

January 3, 2008

So again I was reading Ali's blog... who doesn't??? And read her post about her word for 2008.  It got me to thinking what word can I use for 2008?  I read a lot of great words people posted like:  (Grow, Balance, Simplify, Attitude, Enjoy, Genuine, Peace, Live, Learn, Joyful, Perspective) 

I was having a tough time picking just one.  I think we should always try to Grow in some way, sometimes I need more balance, I want to live, learn and be joyful and if I was to simplify things I would probably have more peace

So what word did I come up with?  I think AUTHENTIC is what I want this year to be.

Definition: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character

And I think a lot of what I've been posting about is in that same direction.  Which leads me back to my book Simple Abundance


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