This is a part of my life now....
I need to learn more, understand more and change the way I've reacted to it. I am becoming the parent instead of the child. Its a lot to adjust to and changing so quickly. She doesn't see it, even after meeting with doctors who tell her she needs to eat more, she still doesn't see it.... and so its up to us to learn more and take care of her.
It is sad, and I have done some grieving, though I know I will have a lot more!
Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior.
Dementia symptoms include difficulty with many areas of mental function, including:
Emotional behavior or personality
Cognitive skills (such as calculation, abstract thinking, or judgment)
Dementia usually first appears as forgetfulness.
Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between normal forgetfulness due to aging and the development of dementia. People with MCI have mild problems with thinking and memory that do not interfere with everyday activities. They are often aware of the forgetfulness. Not everyone with MCI develops dementia.
Symptoms of MCI include:
Difficulty performing more than one task at a time
Difficulty solving problems or making decisions
Forgetting recent events or conversations
Taking longer to perform more difficult mental activities
The early symptoms of dementia can include:
Difficulty performing tasks that take some thought, but that used to come easily, such as balancing a checkbook, playing games (such as bridge), and learning new information or routines
Getting lost on familiar routes
Language problems, such as trouble finding the name of familiar objects
Losing interest in things you previously enjoyed, flat mood
Misplacing items
Personality changes and loss of social skills, which can lead to inappropriate behaviors
As the dementia becomes worse, symptoms are more obvious and interfere with the ability to take care of yourself. The symptoms may include:
Change in sleep patterns, often waking up at night
Difficulty doing basic tasks, such as preparing meals, choosing proper clothing, or driving
Forgetting details about current events
Forgetting events in your own life history, losing awareness of who you are
Having hallucinations, arguments, striking out, and violent behavior
Having delusions, depression, agitation
More difficulty reading or writing
Poor judgment and loss of ability to recognize danger
Using the wrong word, not pronouncing words correctly, speaking in confusing sentences
Withdrawing from social contact
People with severe dementia can no longer:
Perform basic activities of daily living, such as eating, dressing, and bathing
Recognize family members
Understand language
Other symptoms that may occur with dementia:
Swallowing problems
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