Cutting down some trees

July 21, 2011

Since Chelsea's graduation party in 2008 we've been talking about cutting down the trees on the side of our house. They had gotten so overgrown in an area that we don't "notice" quite as often as the rest of the yard!.

Believe it or not there is a house behind there! And this picture was taken after he had already trimmed up the bottom of the trees so he can cut them down!

While I was off running, my husband was working in the yard

Including having to wash the house down from the trees being so close!

Funny because when we first moved here many years ago there were no trees on this lot, now everything is getting so overgrown!

We just need to decide what we are doing with this side of the house?  I had suggested that we add on to the porch and have it wrap to the backyard?  Of course, I always come up with plans that cost more money...

But at least finally those trees are down!


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