count down...

April 14, 2009

There are only two more days until Chelsea leaves for California and while I'm excited for her to go, I know I'm going to miss her like crazy!  But what an opportunity for her to check out Los Angeles with my cousin Stephen!

Easter weekend was a blast!  We had so much going on the weekend just flew by! Starting with the crop at Trish's on Good Friday, which Deb and I arrived to by 10am and were able to visit, laugh and scrap the day away!

Saturday Chelsea and I got up early and picked up flowers for the mom's, some more groceries and pies at Mama Jo's.  We got home with little time to spare before we had to head up to Serpentini to drop off Chelsea's car for service and from there we left and went to our first Indians game of the season.  We had a blast at the game, but the weather wasn't quite as warm as we had hoped for?  Although it was scarf day at Progressive field, they didn't help keep us much warmer and unfortunately the Indians didn't win this one.
After the game on Saturday and picking Chelsea's car back up we stuffed the eggs for the egg hunt on Easter, watched a movie and colored eggs in the evening. 
Easter was at our house, complete with dinner, an egg and a basket hunt.  What a beautiful sun shinning day we had!


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