Christmas season growing up
As the Christmas season approaches, I always fall back into memories of the past. Often drowning myself in the negative thoughts of loss. Grief tugs at the future we lost, the things they will never see, the joy we can no longer share.
Memories swell as the room fills with the smooth sound of Johnny Mathis “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” a favorite of my parents during the holidays. The song rekindles giddy childhood memories, of happier days. Images of my father whistling throughout the house, blaring music on a Sunday morning to wake all the lazy teens up. As we begrudgingly exit our rooms, a happy memory if formed as Johnny serenades about a few of his favorite things.
In the kitchen, donuts await our hungry brood, already missing my father’s favorite, jelly filled. A rare treat picked up before rousing the kids. A Sunday morning memory that still brings delight, triggered by the smell of fresh coffee, a woodburning fire and a few Christmas songs.
Some of my favorite songs are still those that my parents introduced us to, and I cannot help the feeling of joy that finally arrives as the flood of happy tears are released and the gratitude of knowing how lucky I am to have these moments to return to.
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