Book drive in memory of Ryan

January 15, 2010

Today was the day we loaded up the car and drove to Metro to deliver the books. My mom, sister, Chelsea, Ben, Zach, Lisa and myself made the trip down.   We ended up with two carts stacked with boxes of books, by the time we took this picture they had already gotten one of the carts upstairs.


The library they have set up in the PICU is already amazing and I'm so thrilled to have Ryan's memory be a part of helping it grow.

 There is also another library section for the teens in another part of the PICU where some of the books will be located.

 We took all the books in a room where they can be sorted

Then we headed up to 5C Intensive care where they took care of my brother Joe and took them up a fruit basket.  Some of the staff was still there and remembered us all and my brother Joe.

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this such a success!

It was a very emotional and uplifting day 


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