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October 17, 2014

Favorite Ted talks!

Have you ever watched a Ted talk? A few people I had mentioned them to had never even heard of them! What? You've never watched a TED talk? Here are a few of my favorites that can lead to inspiration, admiration and even contemplation...

Bookmark this page and revisit whenever you need a bit of inspiration and share if you have other TED talk favorite...

Here they are in no particular order... Enjoy!

  1. Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat Pray Love
  2. Steve Jobs
  3. Gratitude
  4. Simon Sinek
  5. Tony Robbins - Jane always told me, what a hunk of a man...
  6. Jill Bolte - My stroke of genius
  7. Dan Gilbert
  8. Ken Robinson - how schools kill creativity
  9. Amy Cuddy - Body Language
  10. Susan Cain - I read her book Quiet, about introverts



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