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January 14, 2009

Our winter this year has already had a lot more storms than I remember in years past.  In fact last year I don't remember having this many storms until after we got back from Florida in February.

Chelsea has had a long Christmas break and though we've enjoyed her being home, I know she is anxious to get back to Kent and this weekend that's what she's doing!

She and Jess hung out here Monday night and then headed off Tuesday morning to work out and do some shopping.  We had a fun night with Jess over watching The Bachelor.
After Chelsea got home and I finished up at work we did some shopping and ran out to Trish's house.  We got caught in a couple of white outs on the way and I wasn't sure if we should turn back and go another day?  But the roads cleared up quickly and besides for the blowing snow, it wasn't too bad.


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