Back to school

June 18, 2011



Back to school has been both overwhelming and exciting. I knew it was going to be about writing essays, but two a week!  I guess that is how we improve on something...

I like my professor, I do... although she definitely has no problem sharing her political views and I wonder if any disagreement could affect your grade....

All kidding aside I need to come up with a person to write an essay on and a controversial subject for two projects throughout the summer, along with the projects we receive at each class.  I need to think about this person? Who can I research, who do I want to research... and controversy I hate controversy so this one is going to be different for me for sure.  I want it to be something and someone that I am passionate about.

Along with my school work I began another project.  A project of pictures and people that I will share as I build up the entries. It has already changed me and I can only imagine what the next 31 days will bring.  I really can't wait to share!





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