At exactly 7 am

March 6, 2008

on March 6th she was born. 

It had been a long night for Joel, he had snowplowed all his contracts the 35%20Chel%2018%203-6-08_thumb%5B3%5D_1.jmorning before so he was up all night then went to work 2nd shift. 

 While he was at work I called him and told him my water had broke and my parents were on their way over to watch Ryan. 

We got to the hospital at 2am and in a birthing room and 5 hours later with the telelvision still playing as the doctor cried out "it's a girl" I also heard the theme song and the words "Good Morning America"

And  here she is 18 years later. 

Joel got her 18 roses and a card and made her breakfast this morning.  We will do the usual birthday dinner this evening.

Happy Birthday to Chelsea 


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