Always learning...

April 22, 2008
  • In the last few days I learned how to add my signature to my blog here
  • I learned how to use my bind it all better than I knew before just by taking a class at Archiver's
  • I learned that Chelsea is going to NEW YORK CITY with the school in a week because of someone dropping out at the last minute.
  • I learned how to drive out to Kent State University with only two calls to
  • I learned that you can have an inner and outer border at scrapbook pictures
  • We learned Chelsea did make the Kent State Color Guard team.  Today she has to go out and get a flag and practice create a routine to share with the other girls. 

Things I need to learn to say like no?  For some reason I have a hard time saying no, I'll usually find a way to get it done.  Like right now I'm working on a friend of a friends graduation announcements yet freaking about not having my own daughter's announcements?  What's wrong with this picture?

I'm almost done with them so I guess it wasn't that bad.  It just got me to thinking of all the things I need to start completing over the next few weeks. 

I need to make the favors - I think I'm doing the little box with wish tickets and M & M's inside from here.  I'd like to get those done and out of the way.  I still might also make some of the favors like Val shared with the picture?

I need to put a book together.  That I've been working on, but I think our next crop in May I should focus most of my day on that.

Just where has this time gone? Next week is already May!


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