All about me letter C

October 21, 2007

1.  Member of Compassionate Friends

2.  Love the name Chelsea since seeing the movie On Golden Pond

3.  Huge fan of all things COFFEE, love Columbian coffee, Starbucks coffee, Cool Beans coffee, Panera's coffee, Java Joe's coffee

4.  Canon Rebel Camera - my favorite to take pictures!

5.  Cleveland Indians fan {even though they lost last night :( }


Had an AWESOME time last night at Trish's class and crop!  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, and sure did need it! 

What a great class and I can't wait to post pictures...

Right now I'm off to get ready for a Halloween Party we are having this afternoon.

I haven't finished the shopping, cooking, cleaning or preparing for this yet???  And I don't even know what Zach is going to be?

Of course I will take lots more pictures of the party, the kids and ALL MY DECORATIONS! 


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