A productive day!

October 20, 2009

There are days you stay home and wonder at the end of the day just what did I do today, then there are other days when you can't believe how much you accomplished.  Well for me it was the later... what a day I had

I began by cleaning out my bedroom, not only putting away summer clothes (even though I think we are currently in our Indian Summer), but also getting rid of things from last season that I never wore, or this season that I'm sure I won't wear.  

So now my closet official says "Sweater season"IMG_7842

I started cleaning up my scraproom and then decided to finish up a few layouts that only needed a title or journaling.  

Finger Paints Chel & BenWedding May 09 here on hilton head island harbour town beach baby beach time Remember 

In between working on the layouts and throwing in laundry and cooking dinner, I also finished the book I was reading High on Arrival by Mackenzie Phillips and I started another mini!

Tonight is Biggest Loser and I hope to get some of my bible study done!  

I love productive days!


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