A look ahead...

December 2, 2007

This week should be busy and fun.  Starting with tomorrow my mom, sister and I are going to head of and do some shopping.  Starting in Amish Country at the Ashery (an Amish bulk food store), and we'll hit some of the local stores.  Then its off to the mall to finish up our Christmas shopping.  And I'm sure we'll fit lunch in there somewhere.

Wednesday I'm meeting Sam for lunch to go over our ideas for the family Christmas this year.

Friday is the 7th, Ryan's birthday and I already went to the gazette and put a poem in for his birthday for Friday and again on Tuesday of next week.  Then in the evening we will, as we have every year, go get our tree.

As for today I think we did pretty good in getting things done, though we always want to get more done!

Here's Zach's gingerbread house

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My goodies from Homespun


Here are the candy canes I attempted to make today

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