A Friday that felt like

January 18, 2008


It was weird with the kids being off school and yet neither of them home all day.  Chelsea was off seeing colleges and Zach was over a friends which made if feel like Saturday for some reason.

I was able to stay home in the morning and get some much needed cleaning done and then I went into work for a couple hours.  My mom stopped by the office and we went up to Starbucks for a mocha, then it was back to work until I had to pick Zach up from his friends.

That sun shinning was deceiving, it was bitterly cold today!   I tried to take some pictures of the frozen lake but with the wind and the cold I couldn't stay out long.


Tonight I played around with the manual setting on my camera for a while

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I've got all my things packed and ready for the crop tomorrow!  Looking forward to a day of scrapping!


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