Year Of Focus: Week 17 Seek

April 21, 2024

When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.

~William Arthur Ward

The Year Of Focus: Week 17

Word of the Week:  Seek

  1. to try to find or discover by searching or questioning:

I have always been a seeker, striving for meaning, better understanding, and the possibility of learning something new along the way. On a recent car ride with my husband, I made this revelation, asking his thoughts on my continual search for the next thing to do, try or be? 

For me, there are always words to be written, books to be read, classes to be taken, and miles to run. I have a difficult time just being in the moment, I know how precious time is and always seek an accomplishment with the use of my time.  What did I check off the list?

What would happen if I accepted where I was? Would that mean being complacent? Or could there just be days of leisure?

I am curious if my constant desire to seek more surfaces from survivors’ guilt, even just surviving, not the guilt. I am here and they; Ryan, Dad, Mom, Joe, and even Deb do not have the choices I do, shouldn’t I be doing more with the time that I have been gifted? 

The struggle is within me, for me.

Like the poem by Mary Oliver 

“ Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life”

April - Month Of Organization

Book Work Out Podcast
The Motivation Manifesto Run/Hike Mel Robins
Diligent Kindness Position Follow Discipline Worship Notice Invest Anticipate Authority
Transformation Advance Alert Choose Forgiveness Rhythm 04-21-24 04-28-24 05-05-24 05-12-24


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